Misc. Ramblings
Week of November 22nd through the 26th
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Last Updated: Friday 12:00 noon HST T-36

Monday - November 22, 1999

It's Monday! And the University of Hawai'i Rainbow Warriors football team sank Navy 48 to 41. This is an NCAA record for most improved team. Go Bows!

Speaking of big guys, Fiamalu "The Moose" Penitani, better known in sumo wrestling circles as Musashimaru continued his winning ways by taking the Kyushu Basho (tournament) yesterday by downing fellow Yokozuna (grand champion) Takanohana. Go Moose!

Exciting news from Oceanic Cable regarding the December roll-out of on-demand movies in Hawai'i. See the story from Pacific Business News. According to the article, there will be a library of up to 500 movies available for viewing whenever you want to, not when the cable company wants to schedule it. And Hawai'i will be the first place to have wide-spread access to this and other services. Once again, Hawai'i is leading the way in the commercial use of technology.

This just in from Microsoft. I will leave it to you to decide whether you want to sign-up or not...


Sign up now to become eligible to participate in Microsoft's Nationwide Usability Research Program. Under the program, people from Microsoft's product design and development teams meet with software users in their own homes to better understand what users want from their software.

So here's your chance (maybe), to let MS know what you think about their products. Of course, they have to choose you also. Your mileage may vary....

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Tuesday - November 23, 1999

Went a couple of rounds with Brian on whether not having animated gifs made the web a better place. And while I agree with him to a certain extent, especially when advertisers use them, I still like some of the smaller ones out there. I know Dr. Pournelle has a couple including his infamous email blimp that I like. But since using any unlicensed gifs can cost you $5,000 USD, I've decided to remove all of the animated gifs that I had on my site. Sorry to all 10 of you that regularly visit this site. OK, make that 11 on those days that I give away a million dollars (In your best Regis imitation; "Is that your final answer!") [The afore mentioned contest is a JOKE. No one should think that I'm not making this up. There is no CONTEST in which you could WIN A MILLION dollars by just visiting this site. And Regis did not really say those words. Dan will be taking a much deserved rest while he ponders the errors of his ways - ed.]

Hope is sinking for the Hawai'i entry in the America's Cup Race. As of this morning, Abracadabra2000 is seven for 13 and in eighth place out of 11 boats. As usual, the Italian team, Prada Challenge, was in first with a 19 and one record. This could be, in my memory anyway, the first challenge in which no US boat will be involved.

Who says the guv'mint can't do anything right? The morning paper reports that the Tesoro and BHP petroleum companies have settled a gas price fixing case in the amount of USD $15 million. The companies also agree to assist the state in it's case against the other defendants (who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty). Only the government has the resources to go after these guys. And so far, they are doing a great job. How did the state know that prices were higher than a free market would have indicated? Easy. Crude oil was brought here, refined into gasoline, and shipped to California. And so what you say. Well, once in California, they SOLD IT FOR LESS THERE THAN THEY WERE CHARGING IN HAWAI'I. Up until the suit was brought by the state, Hawai'i consistently had the highest fuel prices in the US. Once the suit was filed, prices immediately dropped to levels, on average, that was on par with the US average. Hmmm. Do you see a connection here? So did the companies that settled.

***** Noon Update *****

If you know where the following came from, you also know who updated his pages again:

"Then it's Sainsbury's for baked beans, sliced white bread, brown sauce, hair conditioner (which seems not to exist in France), paracetemol (a tenth of the price it is in France) and sandwiches for lunch."

Speaking of Daynotes, Shawn has a new page set-up over at his site. He is using ASP to give you control over how his page is displayed. However, it requires the use of cookies (hawk, spit. I don't need no steenk'n cookies). Of course, you can control how all pages look by changing the defaults in your browser, but it is cool nonetheless.

And more from Brian on the great gif debate. I really do think that we agree more than we disagree on this discussion but its not sounding that way. Essentially, what I am trying to say is that my freedom of choice is being abridged because I can't find a browser or plug-in that will allow the display of .mng files. Note that mng is a standard just like png but it has not, as far as I know, been supported by the major browsers (or for that matter, any browser). OTOH, I absolutely agree with Brian's points that he expresses, better than I, on his page. And he has a nice picture and sound file of himself too! So go over there and use some bandwidth while you are at it.

Check out Dr. Jim's site for a short discussion on what to do with patients who need to take their medications but do not. And before I forget, remember that all links to daynotes types pages expire at the end of that author's week. So don't come crying to me if a link is broken next week.

Tom seems to be in a philosophical mood today. I thought I had a lock on that but see the discussion below and his site for more info. It begins thus with a quote from Tom's insights:

"So the day is not far off when you'll pick up a Budweiser and see a scrolling image on the side of the can advertising the next Superbowl. Lovely. Shouldn't we be working on solving world hunger or something??"

And my pithy, if not very deep reply to him:

Absolutely. But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun while we're doing it. Cheers!

His obviously well thought out, and very profound response was:

This is true. As soon as one loses their sense of humor -- especially when it comes to technology -- it's a short step into the abyss.

And don't get me wrong... I LOVE technology. I love to play and investigate the latest whiz-bangs, and I love to ponder the how the technology of today is going to change the world as we know it. Computers and the Internet have put information and knowledge at our fingertips. We do indeed live in exciting times. Here we are, sharing thoughts and ideas, thousands of miles apart. In almost real time.

There are times, however, when I'm saddened by how we use this knowledge and the amount of research money that gets shoveled into things that, no matter how far I stretch, I do not see making a different to our stay on this earth.

But that's my cross to bear -- ever the idealist. Sometimes I'm not sure where I fit in anymore.


And finally, my inadequate reply:


To be serious for a moment (and Brian is always getting down on me for being too serious :), you are right. It is important to sometimes step back and think about the "Big Picture." We do live in at least interesting, if not exciting times. But you are probably also right to wonder about our priorities (or at least the priorities of those who seem to control the money).

When I was with the Department of Health, the Department tried to implement a system of allocating funds whereby the most money was spent on the disease that affected the most people. It did not get far because causes that had better, or at least louder, advocates got the majority of the funds. So while much money was being spent on a disease that affected few (albeit with deadly effect), very little was being spent on diseases that affected many. Sigh.

Likewise with technology. But I guess, as any tool, it can be used to help as well as hurt. And remember, some of that technology was used, in one shining moment, to go to the moon. Perhaps, with people of conscience like you, we will again some day and at the same time, help to end world hunger. It can be done.

And with that, I will take my leave as my wife's grandfather passed away last night so we need to take care of some business. God willing and the creek don't rise, I will see you folks tomorrow. Take care of each other! - Aloha

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Hump Day Wednesday - November 24, 1999

Neat batch of utilities called trace.bat. It's referred to by Bill Machrone in a PC Week article. It gives you information gathered by using DOS based utilities such as whois and traceroute in one neat text file. It can't do everything, but at least it gives you a start in tracking the hacker that's been bugging you for the last two months.

This is a good time to be in Hawai'i if you are sports minded. Maui has their college basketball invitational in which No. 4 North Carolina will meet No. 22 Purdue in the final this afternoon (HST). Over on Kaua'i, Jose Maria Olazabal, Davis Love III, Paul Lawrie, and some guy by the name of Tiger Woods tee off in the PGA Grand Slam of Golf. And last, but not least, the University of Hawai'i Wahine Volleyball team finished out their season last night by beating a tenacious San Jose State 11-15, 15-5, 15-10, and 15-6. The Wahine ended their season 25-1 overall and are looking forward to the NCAA tournament.

My noon update yesterday added a lot of stuff. If you missed it, check it out. A big Mahalo (thank you) to Tom for the link to the discussion above!

You get a two for one today. Since I will be off tomorrow I will put up a link to a CNET column done in 1997. While some of it is dated, much still holds true. It's in Thursday's column below.

***** Noon Update *****
The Opera Browser will be updated to 3.61 before the end of December. However, no firm date has been announced. Stay tuned. On the other hand, Bob (as usual Mr. Phelps, all links will self-destruct at the end of the author's week) has taken a look at the current version and did not find anything useful. Especially if you have to pay to play. All his comments are accurate but I will continue to use Opera simply because its small and fast. Some people like Mercedes and some people like Porche. You choose.

My hunt for a new ISP is still ongoing. And I am getting very discouraged. What I may do is, once Road Runner is installed in December, just use that as opposed to having a separate dial-up account as a backup or for use when traveling.

Have a good and safe Thanksgiving everyone!

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Turkey Thursday - November 25, 1999

It's Thanksgiving and I am away giving thanks. But I wanted to say that I am very thankful for all of the people who drop by everyday (all ten of you). And especially to those who drop me a line when they see something they like or don't like. I hope to continue what I've been doing for a long time. See you tomorrow. Gobble. Gobble. But in the mean time, check out CNET's Top 10 Things to be Thankful For (circa 1997). Aloha and take care

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Aloha Friday - November 26, 1999

It sure seems like Monday, even though it's FRIDAY. I did not believe my watch when I looked at the date this morning. I could not figure out why it said it was the 26th when clearly it must be Monday the 29th. Right? Wrong. Age. That's what it is. First the eyes go. Then the feet. Now the mind. Sigh.

Lunch yesterday was at the in-laws. It does not get any better than turkey and mashed potatoes served next to the pool. This being Hawai'i, we also had Korean style teriyaki beef. Yum. The weather was clear and a warm 80°F (27°C). Perfect beach weather. Sorry for all you sods in northern climes but this is one of the reasons I live here.

OTOH, Christmas trees arrive here this morning via a Matson Navigation ship. And while I love the smell of a fresh tree, fresh, these trees are not. They get cut down sometime in early November and are then shipped here to arrive in late November or early December. There are some services that will cut one down and air express the tree here but, obviously, this is very expensive. So, given that most people keep the tree until a week after Christmas, the tree will be almost two MONTHS since they were harvested before they are sent to be recycled into compost for the city parks. Talk about fire hazard.

There seems to be a problem with internet access right now so this log will be late this morning. How late will depend on when access is restored. Sorry for the inconvenience.

***** Noon Update *****

Dr. James Crider, M.D. responded to something on Daynoter Brian Bilbrey's site about controlled substances wearing off or some such nonsense. Dr. Jim's email and my response are below:


Saw the following on Brian's site:

So what I want is the choice to be able to view animations such as Dr. Pournelle's email blimp, which does not delay downloading one whit (OK, maybe one whit. But no more than that!). Now, on the other hand, as you said, if you don't want to view them you don't have to visit his site (or mine, though I don't have any animations anymore and actually, had only two small ones on my index page - one being the Unites States of America flag <kidding> you left-coast Linux radical, oops, I guess Dr. Jim's medications are wearing off </just kidding>.

Now I don't want anyone to think that I would ever prescribe medication to someone I had not seen in person before. Since you live in Hawaii I need to meet you in person, not just on the Web, then we can discuss what meds you need to be on. :) Seriously (maybe) I am one of those ten people who read your page every day and enjoy it. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Jim Crider

And my reply back to him:

Dr. Jim,

Sorry for the lateness of my reply but I was off Thursday and this morning, our internet access was down due to a router problem (or so I'm told. This is clearly black science and I know not what they do).

In either case, so you are not one of those internet doctors who prescribe drugs without seeing the patient? Or one of those internet pharmacies that dispense drugs without a prescription? Well then, I guess I better find a more accommodating physician <g>.

Yes, I had a good Thanksgiving. I hope yours was good also.


Now don't get me or the good doctor wrong. I do not take any medications without first being examined by a licensed physician and pursuant to their written prescription. Further, while I have not met Dr. Jim, I am sure he does not do anything unethical, immoral, illegal, or fattening (OK, three out of four ain't bad. This part about fattening is a JOKE. OK? Do not take this part seriously - ed.). And you, dear reader, shouldn't do anything unethical, immoral, or illegal either.

Internet access continues to be spotty. We had about 15 minutes of access then everything shutdown again. In that time, I was able to put up the morning update but not get my email done. Sigh. If you are reading this, then I was able to do the noon update.

One last note, I added a PERL based search engine a couple of days ago. The advantages of adding my own rather than using one of the commercial engines is that I totally control its look, both input and output, and it runs as long as my server is running. If you use a commercial service external to your server you are controlled by the speed of the connection to their server as well as the status of that connection and server. While it is certainly easier to setup a commercial engine, I think the control and speed are worth the effort of installing my own. Your mileage may vary.

Have a good weekend everyone!

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