Misc. Ramblings - Seto.org


  Domain Report  

The Domain Report identifies the top origins of visitors to this site. This is determined by the suffix of their domain name. Use this information carefully as this is based on where their domain name is registered and may not always be an accurate identifier of the actual geographic location of this visitor. For example, while most .com domain names are from the United States, there are a growing number of .com domain names that exist outside the United States.

  This report shows results with at least 0 bytes. This report is sorted by amount of bytes transferred.

Domain Name Number of requests Percentage of the bytes
1. .com (Commercial) 3,631 49.24%
2. [unresolved numerical addresses] 2,206 21.78%
3. .net (Network) 1,154 13.75%
4. .edu (USA Educational) 157 2.92%
5. .au (Australia) 217 2.10%
6. .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations) 244 1.72%
7. .us (United States) 105 1.66%
8. .ca (Canada) 124 1.27%
9. .uk (United Kingdom) 140 1.22%
10. .nl (Netherlands) 130 0.69%
11. .se (Sweden) 43 0.61%
12. .gov (USA Government) 79 0.51%
13. .za (South Africa) 47 0.36%
14. [domain not given] 55 0.29%
15. .jp (Japan) 32 0.27%
16. .pl (Poland) 23 0.26%
17. .ae (United Arab Emirates) 22 0.23%
18. .mil (USA Military) 28 0.20%
19. .ch (Switzerland) 17 0.19%
20. .de (Germany) 14 0.14%
21. .arpa (Old style Arpanet) 16 0.13%
22. .il (Israel) 3 0.04%
23. .it (Italy) 3 0.04%
24. .nz (New Zealand) 2 0.04%
25. .pt (Portugal) 2 0.04%
26. .ph (Philippines) 2 0.04%
27. .lb (Lebanon) 3 0.02%
28. .br (Brazil) 6 0.02%
29. .hu (Hungary) 3 0.02%
30. .mx (Mexico) 3 0.01%
31. .cz (Czech Republic) 2 0.01%
32. .in (India) 2 0.01%
33. .do (Dominican Republic) 3 0.01%
34. .gr (Greece) 3 0.01%
35. .at (Austria) 3 0.01%
36. .tw (Taiwan) 6 0.01%
37. .ie (Ireland) 2 0.00%
38. .es (Spain) 1 0.00%
39. .fi (Finland) 2 0.00%
40. .tt (Trinidad and Tobago) 2 0.00%

This report was generated on March 09, 2000 10:37.
Report time frame February 01, 2000 00:10 to March 08, 2000 23:47.
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Web Statistics Report produced by:
Analog DNS Websites Wadsack-Allen Digital Group
Report Magic for Analog 1.2/MSWin32
