Misc. Ramblings

Week of 19 November through 23 November 2001
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Monday - 19 November 2001

Browser Wars VII. It's been awhile since the BackChannel(tm) had a flame war on which browser was "better" than another [thank God for small, and big, favors - ed.]. But I guess a fellow Daynoter wanted to stir things up a bit by noting an alleged vulnerability in Opera. I will note first that I prefer Opera for most of my browsing. On the other hand, I also have IE and Mozilla. Each browser has its strong and weak points. But over all, I like software that are small, fast, secure, and standards compliant.

I'll let you decide what level of security you feel comfortable with because only you can decide that. Some people like to live dangerously, some people don't, and some people don't know the difference. Since I do my best to avoid sites that might have such exploits, it may not matter which browser I use. But there is always the possibility that I will inadvertently go to a site, perhaps via a google search, that could cause problems. So I'd rather be safe than sorry. YMMV.

By the way, the vulnerability, I believe, involved JavaScript, something I have turned off in Opera and IE. If by doing so, some really kewL script doesn't execute at a site, too bad. I just move on. There's very little I need to do that requires scripting, so why bother? Message to web designers: you are blocking access to thousands of people by using JavaScripts. Why?

Imua Hawai'i. Congratulations to the University of Hawai'i Wahine volleyball team who beat Fresno and then San Jose State to wrap-up the WAC championship. With the win, the Wahine get the automatic bid to the NCAA tournament.

Congratulations are also in order to June Jones and the UH Warriors football team in their 52-51 victory over Miami of Ohio. It came down to a last second field goal by the UH freshman kicker to win the game (that, and an offsides call against Miami...<G>)

This will be a short week for me since I'm taking off Wednesday through Friday. I'm not sure if I'll have the time to do a post but I will try. Check back once a day.


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Tuesday - 20 November 2001

Honolulu Advertiser Pic of 30ft wave. That Sinking Feeling. They cancelled a surf contest yesterday. "So what?" you say, such competitions are always subject to having waves to ride. Well, yesterday there were waves to ride, but they were so big, 20 to 30 feet (~6 to 9 metres), that they cancelled the contest due to safety concerns.

Oh, by the way, the guy on the bodyboard staring into a wall of water? He made it by diving to the bottom and staying there until the wave passed over (he had to stay down for almost a minute before it was safe to come up). Obviously, don't put yourself into this situation in the first place because the life you save may be your own.

With thanksgiving coming up, I thought I'd share a little story I found while surfing the 'Net.

When I was younger, I remember receiving the inevitable homework assignment to write an essay on "Something I Am Thankful For". Then, I'd spend a lot of time sitting in my room trying to figure out just what in the world that could possibly be, and I'd end up writing down everything I could think of from God to environmental consciousness. But after having children, my priorities have clearly changed.

Before children: I was thankful to have been born in the United States of America -- the most powerful, free, democracy in the world.
After children: I am thankful for Velcro tennis shoes. As well as saving valuable time, now I can hear the sound of my son taking off his shoes which gives me three extra seconds to activate the safety locks on the backseat windows right before he hurls them out of the car and onto the freeway.

Before children: I was thankful for the recycling program that will preserve our natural resources and prevent the overflowing of landfills.
After children: I am thankful for swim diapers because every time my son wanders into water in plain disposables, he ends up wearing a blimp the size of, say, New Jersey, on his bottom.

Before children: I was thankful for fresh, organic vegetables.
After children: I am thankful for microwaveable macaroni and cheese without which my children would be surviving on about three bites of cereal and their own spit.

Before children: I was thankful for the opportunity to obtain a college education and have a higher quality of life than my ancestors.
After children: I am thankful to finish a complete thought without being interrupted.

Before children: I was thankful for holistic medicine and natural herbs.
After children: I am thankful for any pediatric cough syrup guaranteed to "cause drowsiness" in young children.

Before children: I was thankful for all of the teachers who had taught, encouraged, and nurtured me throughout my formative years.
After children: I am thankful for all of the people at Weight Watchers who let me strip down to pantyhose and a strategically placed scarf before getting on the scale each week.

Before children: I was thankful for the opportunity to vacation in exotic foreign countries so I could experience a different way of life in a new culture.
After children: I am thankful to have time to make it all the way down the driveway to get the mail.

Before children: I was thankful for the Moosewood Vegetarian Cookbook.
After children: I am thankful for the Butterball turkey hotline.

Before children: I was thankful for a warm, cozy home to share with my loved ones.
After children: I am thankful for the lock on the bathroom door.

Before children: I was thankful for material objects like custom furniture, a nice car, and trendy clothes.
After children: I am thankful when the baby spits up and misses my good shoes.

Before children: I was thankful for my wonderful family.
After children: I am thankful for my wonderful family.

This is going to be a tufor. What's a tufor? That's two posts in one day because I'm taking tomorrow through Friday off. So you lucky folks get a tufor one sale...


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Hump Day Wednesday - 21 November 2001

Getting Closer. As it's getting closer to Thanksgiving, I've decided not to rant about all of the stupid laws that are being passed under cover of the September 11th attacks. Like the proviso in the recently signed national aviation security bill that allows two of our local airlines to coordinate their rates and schedules. Isn't that illegal you say? Didn't we pass anti-trust laws to safeguard us against the anti-competitive monopolies of the late 1800s and early 1900s? Why, yes we did. But give Big Business an opening and the rest of the camel is soon to follow.

Yes, the local airlines are in trouble, but who says that if one or both failed, that no one else would come along and start a new airline? In fact, for the most part, if you let the market run its course, new airlines, running more efficiently than the current ones would probably spring up overnight. So who asked the good Senator for his help? Why the airlines of course. Just another example of how Big Business takes care of its own and leaves you holding the bag (and paying the bill).

And then there's the local City Council. One of the larger hotel chains wants the Council to condemn acres of prime Waikiki beach land so that they can build a huge hotel complex. Yes, the current owners would be compensated, at current fair market value, for their land. But they would loose all future income that would have accrued over time and who's to say they wouldn't create their own higher use for the land?

One of the strategies used by the chain is to say the economy would get a big boost from the construction. Well, folks, the only ones to get a big boost would be the chain.

Once again, the corrosive, distorting affects of Big Business, using government to gain its ends. And you, dear reader, need only bend over and kiss your okole goodbye.

[Didn't he say something about not doing any rants? - ed.] Well, okay, yes I did. So without further ado, here's another Thanksgiving message from the home office in Omaha, Nebraska:

Top 10 Things That Sound Dirty At Thanksgiving
Author: Unknown

10. "Just reach in and grab the giblets."

9. "Whew...that's one terrific spread!"

8. "I am in the mood for a little dark meat!"

7. "Tying the legs together will keep the inside moist."

6. "Talk about a HUGE breast!"

5. "And he forces his way into the end zone!"

4. "She's 5000 pounds fully inflated and it takes 15 men to hold her down."

3. "It's cool whip time!"

2. "If I don't unbutton my pants, I am going to burst!"

And the number one thing that sounds dirty at Thanksgiving is:

1. "It must be broken 'cause when I push on the tip, nothing squirts out."


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Thursday - 22 November 2001

What Thanksgiving Really Means.

The mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.

The taxes I pay because it means that I'm employed (at least for now).

The clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.

My shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.

A lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.

All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech.

The space I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking.

My huge cooling bill because it means I am warm.

The lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can hear.

The piles of laundry and ironing because it means I have clothes to wear.

Weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been productive.

The alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I'm alive.

Getting too much email bogs me down but at least I know I have friends who are thinking of me.

Author Unknown

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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Aloha Friday - November 2001

It's Friday!

Ready! Get Set! Shop! It's 7:00am and the local shopping malls are filling up with people looking for bargains. I think I'll pass for now, if the economy is truly doing as bad as they say it is, the word "Sale" should be popping up more and more.

In addition, as a loyal Daynoter, I subscribe to the Daynotes Oath of Allegiance to start Christmas shopping on December 24th, I figure I have weeks yet to go...

I'll be working on replacing some of the doors upstairs today so I have to get down to Home Depot. Have a great weekend everyone!


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