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Monday Roundup

Cat's Meow. Having problems with the cats jumping on your computer keyboard? Worse yet, are the cats really into instant messaging? Well, have I got the program for you. Pawsense (see the site here) is designed to "quickly detect and block cat typing..." I kid you not. It monitors and analyzes "keypress timings and combinations to distinguish cat typing from human typing. PawSense normally recognizes a cat on the keyboard within one or two pawsteps."

Acme Engineering. Now, in one place, see all of the engineering feats of this premiere engineering firm (see it here). All have been tested in the desert southwest heat (PETA warning, one animal was repeatedly, over and over, harmed). From adding machines to X-rays, it's all there.

Trying Times. The Army Times, not exactly a bastion of liberal thought, blasts Republican President Bush and Republican controlled Congress for talking about supporting our troops but not backing it up with action (see the story here).

Taken piecemeal, all these corner-cutting moves might be viewed as mere flesh wounds. But even flesh wounds are fatal if you suffer enough of them. It adds up to a troubling pattern that eventually will hurt morale — especially if the current breakneck operations tempo also rolls on unchecked and the tense situations in Iraq and Afghanistan do not ease.

Rep. Chet Edwards, D-Texas, who notes that the House passed a resolution in March pledging “unequivocal support” to service members and their families, puts it this way: “American military men and women don’t deserve to be saluted with our words and insulted by our actions.”

Translation: Money talks — and we all know what walks.

Much A Do About Much A Do. There has been a simmering revolt against Really Simple Syndication (RSS) (if you don't know or care what RSS is join the club. Otherwise, follow this link here for the explanation). But it apparently erupted into public view like the puss from a pimple (eeeewww - ed.). InfoWorld's columnist Jon Udell has probably as good as commentary on what it's about as any (see it here). Sometimes, out of chaos and pain comes order and lightness. But most times, it's just more chaos and pain.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 30, 2003 9:33 AM.

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The next post in this blog is They're Here.

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