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Star Wars III - Pay the Man

I surfed over the the StarWars.com site yesterday and found, to my knowledge, the first pay site for a movie. That is, if you want to view any of the "premium" content on the official George Lucas Star Wars movie site you have to pay. Yes, there is some stuff available for free (after you register). But if you want the good stuff that used to be free, you gots to pay.

I guess it had to happen but paying to learn about a movie? I dunno about that. Given the disappointing Episodes I and II, I'm not sure I'm going to pay anyone to learn about a movie that won't be out until the summer of 2005 (Episode III). Further, it seems to me, the point of most movie sites is to get people to know about the movie and then want to go see it. To do that, most sites do their best to make it easy for people to come in and be persuaded. Putting up a door and charging an entrance fee sure seems like a strange way of welcoming your prospective guests. But then, they're rolling in dough and I'm just a poor <oxymoron>government servant</oxymoron>.

As to the site, the only thing I want to know is when will Episode IV: A New Hope, the original Star Wars come out on DVD? As far as I'm concerned, everything went down hill from there anyway so who cares about Episode III?

Have a Great Weekend Everyone - Aloha!


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