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Monday Misc.

Step into IT. Microsoft has a DVD with a series of demos for Windows XP (see it here). Included is a movie that Dr. Pournelle talks about in his column. The title of the movie is "Step Into Liquid" and is a step above your usual surf movie. You can download the trailer, among others including a clip from "Terminator 2", directly from MS (see it here) or order the DVD (although it doesn't include the Terminator clip) for the cost of shipping charges (sorry, North America only).

Note these clips are in high definition and require 2.5 to 3.0 GHz processors and 4X AGP video cards to display their content (or just play them on your 60-inch HD plasma screen TV).

A wise huckster public relations person once said "Control how a situation is defined and you have won more than half the battle." Such is the case when the media bought into the use of the word "piracy" when it comes to possible copyright infringement.

Once the problem is framed as such, it is but one short step to a solution: online activation. Microsoft was the first major player to require this and now comes Adobe. Information Week (see the article here) is reporting Adobe is testing activation for Photoshop 7 in Australia. The article goes on to say Adobe, barring a revolt from their pirates honest customers, will roll out the requirement next in the US.

While you still have a choice, you may want to start looking for alternatives that don't treat you as a criminal.

Turnabout is Fair Play. A couple of people at MIT have put together a website (see it here) designed to gather as much information as possible about government organizations/corporations/individuals. They figure if the government has the right to spy on its own citizens, it should be okay for those same citizens to spy on their government.

There are some deep questions that are being asked and I'm a little uncomfortable about anyone collecting unedited, unchecked information but I guess what's good for the goose should be good for the gander. Only, if it isn't good for the goose, should the gander do it anyway? You decide.


Comments (1)



They ain't kidding about the system requirements either. My now aging P4 2.26 just can't cope with either res version of the clips.

Guess they've got to come up with things to soak up the cycles, otherwise who'd buy a faster PC?


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