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Tuesday Twaddle

Read My Lips, No New Tuxes. Ummm, or is it no new Texas? Nope, maybe no new toxins? Nah, it's actually the rallying call of all true Republicans trying to unseat Democrats: "No new taxes." It's what our Republican Governor said just over a year ago when she was running for office. No * new * taxes. Period. End of discussion you money grubbing Democrats who just want to grab money out of our pocket for fuzzy headed social programs.

So how does Our Governor propose to pay for her proposed transit system? Yup. Raise the excise tax (not exactly but equivalent to a sales tax in other states). But that wouldn't be enough to pay for the multi-billion dollar project. So she also wants to raise the vehicle registration tax. But that wouldn't be enough either, so she wants to raise the vehicle weight tax. And the gas tax. And car rental tax. And other taxes to be named later (after, one might speculate, the approval of the project has been slipped pass the voters).

There is no magic bullet. This is exactly what I predicted would happen no matter who won the election. The budget, over the long run, can be viewed as a zero sum game. That is, if you want to spend money on a project, you have only three options: take money from existing projects, increase taxes, or do a combination of both.

If this very expensive boondogle should go forward, I will predict now she will do option three because she will have no other choice. The magnitude of the cost (once you figure in the inevitable cost overruns/graft) is just too large for it to be otherwise.

As an aside, the scope of the project includes the hated, view stealing double decked highway now PR spun as a "fly over." Fly over, I like that. It's what airplanes, miles up in the air do. Fly over. It has such a beautiful ring to it. Fly. As in soaring in the sky or as in free as a bird. This is so much better than double decked concrete freeway. Oh yes, this is so much better. Not.

I hate to blow my own horn but...I told you so. The question now is whether any Democrat is smart enough to realize there is an opportunity here? I will make another prediction - the answer will be no. Why? Because never assume any politician will forgo immediate economic gain (think of the money being transferred from everyone's pockets to a few contractors. Who then recycle those funds to the sitting politicians). This will be a cash cow with enough slop to gorge on for everyone, including Democrats. Even as each of them is slowly, one by one, picked off by Republicans talking out one side of their mouth about not raising taxes while out of the other side saying it is necessary and prudent.

Speaking of Traffic. Our City has those new fangled traffic lights that have sensors built in to detect the imminent arrival of emergency vehicles. Said traffic lights then change green so that the emergency vehicle may quickly, and hopefully safely, pass through the intersection. The traffic light sensors detect a pattern of flashes produced by special lights installed on emergency vehicles.

You can now buy such lights for your own car/SUV/truck/dilapidated run-down piece of rust. Imagine that, never having to stop for a red light again! Clear sailing through town! Never a traffic jam to slow your progress! All for only $300USD.

But wait, there's more! The devices, called mobile infrared transmitters (or MIRT for short), are apparently legal (insert disclaimer here) in at least some, if not many, states. See the story here and hope it doesn't get too wide spread where you live.

Speaking of Being Blissed Out. Neowin has screen shots of Microsoft's 4051 build of Longhorn here. Obviously, screen shots can't tell you everything about an OS but it is interesting to look at. Be aware that most of the screen shots are very large (>300KB) so don't do this without a broadband connection.

MT Feeling. MT-Blacklist anti-comment spam version 1.5 for MovableType hit the wire yesterday. Get it here from Jay Allen's site.

Sorry this posting is so late but I tried to get a section on Apple's iTunes up but just ran out of time. Maybe tomorrow. In other news, Dr. K posted. That's the good news. The bad news is the reason he hasn't doesn't so for awhile is he is getting a divorce. Sigh. This appears to be the second Daynoter to do so. Big Sigh.


Comments (1)


Re Taxes:

Do you ever get the feeling that in reality you're being taxed 100% of your income. And that the only reason you're not overtly taxed 100% is that to do so would require the government to come up with some false token system to distinguish between those who bought premium orange juice and those who bought normal orange juice. So rather than build this false system, they instead shrink back every so slightly on real taxes and let the real money act as that false system?

Just a thought.


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