If you use Spybot Search and Destroy to remove tracking cookies, hijacking programs, or other detritus left by businesses trying to get your attention on the Internet, you may also want to use Spyware Blaster from Javacool Software. The Spyware Blaster site says the program:
Prevents the installation of ActiveX-based spyware, adware, browser hijackers, dialers, and other potentially unwanted pests.
Blocks spyware/tracking cookies in Internet Explorer and Mozilla/Firefox.
Restricts the actions of potentially dangerous sites in Internet Explorer.
Spyware Blaster works with Spybot Search and Destroy although it can apparently run as a stand alone program. How ever you run it, it blocks some stuff that Spybot Search and Destroy doesn't. It also protects you if you use Mozilla, something Spybot can't do. Check it out, it could keep you from descending into the hell of hijacked browsers.