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Dual Divas

So, there are now two singers from Hawai'i in the American Idol TV show contest. The first was Maui's sultry Camile Velasco and now comes young Jasmine Trias. Both have amazing voices but the question is whether they have that "star" quality that the producers are looking for. So far, they haven't shown their best but if they want to get into the finals that is what they must do. Good luck to all but especially these two. All Hawai'i is proud of their accomplishments.

Oh, by the way. For those of you calling in to vote for your favorite singer, here's a free secret tip that will increase the chances of getting in. After you finish dialing, if you hear a ring tone, hang up. The American Idol phone system is setup such that if you reach their number, it picks up immediately, without a ring. So if you hear a ring, what you are hearing is the phone system queuing you up to hear a recording telling you all circuits are busy. So remember, if you hear a ring, hang up and dial again. Really.

Camile Velasco Jasmine Trias

Camile Velasco and Jasmine Trias



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