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Modded Up

My trial of Excelsior's Native XDS-x86 for Windows has come to an end (see Tuesday's post here). I found that even when I got the IDE to recognize a test module as something that could/should/had better be compiled/made/built, clicking on the menu choice to do so would result in an error message saying the program could not be found.

I can only guess this is an artifact of the install where even though it gives the impression that you can choose the directory to install the program, you REALLY should use the default of c:\xds. Installing ANYWHERE else will mean nothing works. This includes the uninstall due, I suppose, to hard coding the default directory.

I have a long standing rule that any program that can't install to anything other than the default will probably have other problems. Problems I don't need to deal with. So I manually deleted the directories and scoured the Registry for all instances of the program.

It's just a guess, but I wonder if this program wasn't written in another environment and they blindly ported to Windows without an extensive testing program (if there was any testing at all). In any case, should you decide to install this program, remember to use the default directory. YMMV/Don't blame me if it doesn't work.


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