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Take Me to Your Leader

Whether you use Windows or Linux, each provides for the creation of users with different security privileges. That is, the ability to execute certain functions. In Windows, the highest level is Administrator and in Linux it's called root. For the purposes of this post, I'll concentrate on Windows for reasons I'll reveal in a moment (Oooh, the suspense. Can I possibly stand it? - ed).

However, these accounts are not intended to be used on a day-in-day-out basis. Rather, the accounts are used only to accomplish specific tasks (such as installing or configuring software) and very little else. This is to reduce the risk of causing inadvertent deterioration of system functions (who came up with that one? - ed.).

In other words, you reduce the probability of screwing up your PC. For instance, by not allowing a virus or Trojan horse program the ability to install themselves. Or by not deleting the database program that holds all the information for the share holders meeting in an hour.

If it's such a great idea, then why don't more people operate this way? Because, in Windows anyway, it's a pain in the okole. You have to logout and then log back in. This is not a trivial exercise and takes time.

But, there is another way. You could install a utility called MakeMeAdmin from Aaron Margosis.

When you run it, you get a Command Prompt running under your normal user account, but in a new logon session in which it is a member of the Administrators group. This Command Prompt and any programs started from it use your regular profile, authenticate as you on the network, but have full local admin privileges. All other programs continue to run with your regular, unprivileged account.

It's almost like using the GNU/Linux SU command to create a shell and then logging in as root. Now, I don't know if MakeMeAdmin is intended for your Aunt Minnie, but maybe some of the 11 people who regularly read this site may have a use for it. Or not. YMMV. Use at your own risk. Insert disclaimer here. Props to Aaron.

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!


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