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Conservative Contradictions: What They Do Isn't What They Say

I've talked before about the contradictions between what the Red conservative states say is important and what the citizens of these states actually do in their personal lives. Andrew Sullivan has a recent post that says the same thing.

But it's important to remember that this isn't new. Studies done in the 1950's, a time known for its fear of external threats (e.g., Godless communism) and supposedly conservative values, indicated that people said they were more moral that they actually were. Way more moral than they actually were.

Namely, they would tell survey takers what they (the people taking the survey) thought was the moral thing. But if there was any correlation, it was an inverse relationship. That is, the more moral the person said they were, the less they actually were (as measured by various behaviors).

So it shouldn't be a surprise that rates of divorce, adultery, or any of the sins noted in the Bible are highest in the states who say they are the most moral while lowest in states considered to be Godless communist/socialists.

What I've said before and will say again now is watch what people do, not what they say.


Comments (1)


Not that the 'conservatives' have a monopoly on that ...


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