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Spiegel: What if Bush is Right?

The English language online version of the Spiegel has an interesting article entitled "Could George Bush Be Right?"

The article's main thesis is that Europe, or at least Germany, tends to look to the past while the United States tends to look to creating new futures. An example given was President Reagan's vision of a united Germany when he "stood before the Brandenburg Gate -- and the Berlin Wall -- and demanded that Gorbachev 'tear down this Wall'". The immediate political reaction was that ol' Ronnie was off his rocker. But President Reagan turned out to have seen the future more accurately than the local politicians. At least, according to the article.

The article then makes the leap to the present and says perhaps President Bush's vision of a pan-Arab shift to a democratic-like style of governing could be an accurate prediction of the near future. While this is a very large gap to bridge, what if the author is correct? Imagine the possibilities.

However, while one can hope that if democracy can take root in the former USSR and Eastern Germany, perhaps it can take hold in Arab countries, we must remember the differing dynamics.

Many Arab countries enfold themselves in the robes of their religion. Much more so than western countries and, I believe, much more so than the USSR and Eastern Germany did (unless you define communism as a religion).

In history, religion has played both the role of conservator as well as revolutionary. Which role will it play in the Middle East? I don't know, but for now, it seems to be more conservative and rearward looking than the contrary.


Comments (1)


[quote]... if democracy can take root in the former USSR and Eastern Germany, ...[/quote]
If you listen to polititians it has, if you visit there ...
The wall has been down quite a while now but democracy is something you won't find over there yet. Not in the ExUSSR, nor in the old countries that are now been invited into the EU. Most places are just swapping their communist leaders by maffia bosses.
I think democracy -western style- will mature there in about twenty to thirty years.
So if the same evolution starts in the Middle East the Muslims have a road of about 40 years in front of them. Asuming nothing goes badly wrong.


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