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Schiavo Autopsy: Plain as Sight

This article is a prime example of what I say many Republican politicians (and bloggers) do. Or don't do, as the case may be.

What they don't do is admit they are in error. Many US citizens, Democrats and Republicans, were concerned about the Terri Schiavo case. However, many politicians on the Republican side, apparently seeing this as a situation ripe for political posturing, passed federal legislation trying, essentially in my opinion, to coerce the courts into violating the Constitutions of Florida and the United States (insert disclaimer here).

Comes now the autopsy which finds massive, permanent brain damage. As many people know, the brain cannot regenerate itself. The brain cells you have is all that you will ever get. As they die, they are not replaced (barring stem cell research, another thing many Republicans seem to be against).

The autopsy also proved that Schiavo was totally blind (as opposed to legally blind, which is something else). Many true believers said a video tape showing Schiavo supposedly reacting to visual stimuli proved that she was not in a permanent vegetative state. But since she was blind, this belief is provably and objectively unsustainable.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anything about the motives of Schiavo's husband. Nor am reducing the power of prayer or faith. I am, however, saying that the medical record indicates that Terri Schiavo was in fact severely brain damaged and, barring a miracle, was never going to get better.


Comments (1)


I think you can cut out that "republican" cause I don't believe the "other" politicians are any better in atmitting mistakes (most people don't like to admit).

BTW the brain can regenerate (ao http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4087202.stm) but the capacity is very limited and not able to repair catastrofical damage.


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