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The Mind is Ajar

We've all heard or read about elderly people who, thinking they are pressing on their car's brake pedal when they aren't, drive full speed into store windows/other cars/pedestrians/the nearest tree.

Bad as that may be, this incident really frightens me. Imagine you are on a flight from San Diego, California to Hawai'i. You're sitting there, several miles up going at hundreds of miles per hour minding your own business when you notice an elderly man get up and head towards the restrooms.

Nothing to get excited about. Right? Except instead of opening the door to the restroom, he begins to open the EXIT DOOR. Let me repeat that, he begins to open the door of the plane while said plane is traveling hundreds of miles per hour, miles in the air.

If that doesn't get your heart pumping, I don't know what does. Fortunately, his trying to get the door open did not succeed and a spokesperson for the airline said it's not possible to do so while the cabin is pressurized (assuming here that you have to pull the door inward to open it).


Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!

Comments (1)


I can imagine 50 people needing the restroom after that :)


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