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Akaka Bill 0: Republicans 6

The sad saga of the Akaka Bill continues. According to our one non-Republican newspaper, there are two "holds" on the bill. Both placed by Republicans. One of the holds is supposedly based on a concern that Hawaiians might legalize gambling. Of course, this hold is from the senator from, now wait for it, Nevada. As in Las Vegas, which happens to be in Nevada. Surely, this is not a conflict of interest. Right? Surely he has the best interest of native Hawaiians in mind. Right? Surely he isn't concerned that casinos in paradise would drain profits away from his state. Right?

The article is silent on the reason for the second hold. But it doesn't matter. If these holds are released, either others will come or amendments will be made to the bill such that no one will vote for the bill because of the amendments.

As far as I can see, this bill is dead for this year and probably any year in which the Republicans are in power. The good senator Akaka has been trying for six years. He has listened to the opposition and amended the bill, multiple times, to address their concerns. This year, the Republican leadership committed to moving the bill to the floor for a hearing and vote. And yet. It hasn't happened.

While one can never predict what politicians will do, it is not likely this promise will be kept. Sigh. Unless something positive comes of this, I don't think I'll be commenting more on this (hold down the cheers - ed.).


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 20, 2005 8:30 AM.

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