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Down Right Biased

Speaking of Republican bias, the local TV stations led off their broadcasts with the Akaka Bill story. Several of them even sent local reporters to Washington to cover the story. While I can not watch all three major stations at once, it seemed each of these spent about two minutes reporting the deeds of the Republicans. But the Republican run local TV station did not say why the Republican hold was put in place and spent about a meager 15 seconds, total, on the story saying only there could be a vote sometime this week.

While it is true there could be a vote, it is also said to be true that if pigs had wings they could fly. The point is right wingers love to say how the media is left leaning and therefore doesn't report in a balanced way. Well, I've got news for them, if it's not a GoodThing for liberals to do, why aren't these people up in arms when conservatives do the same thing? Can you say double standard?

Even the morning papers seem to reflect the conservative leaning line. The Republican run newspaper seems to think a non-story of the possible closing of Pearl Harbor, so that a shipyard in Maine can be saved is more important than the future of Hawaiians. So, it seems, that leaves no space on the front page of their website and, I think newspaper, for the Akaka Bill. On the other hand, our other morning newspaper sees fit to have a front page, above the fold article on the bill and second on the list on their website.

While, if Pearl Harbor were closed, that would definitely be front page news, it is not going to happen. There is no way, unless Maine's two Republican senators put their state's economic well-being ahead of our nations security, will Pearl Harbor close. I wonder if they believe our Canadian neighbors to the North will be lofting a few missiles our way? If so, Mainers need to seriously rethink who they vote for. We are more likely to be hit by a missile from Florida, than one from Ottawa.

If Pearl Harbor does indeed end up on the base closing list, all I can say is Republicans have devolved into the lowest form of life on this planet -- politicians.

In the mean time, let's have some truly balanced reporting.


Comments (1)


Had you expected any other .... yeah.


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