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In TopGear

Speaking of fellow Daynoters, Phil Hough has mentioned, several times, a TV series called TopGear. The series, set in the UK, reviews several types of motor vehicles, although they favor the high performance end of the spectrum.

Recently, a US cable channel called The Discovery Channel picked up the series and started broadcasting it on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The listing of shows doesn't exactly match the current offering across the pond but Phil tells me it sounds like what we see is similar to the current series so perhaps the episodes aren't too old.

In any case, whether the shows are current or two or three years old, I can't wait until the episode reviewing the Ferrari F60 runs. I don't know for sure, but I think the F60 was called the "Enzo" when it was released in the US in 2002. The F60/Enzo took its cues, in great part, from the then current Formula 1 cars. This Ferrari, or almost any Ferrari, has always been my favorite dream car (as in only in my dreams will I ever own one).

If you are into performance automobiles, check you local listing for TopGear. It's TopStuff.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 25, 2005 9:19 AM.

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