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Some are more equal than others: Welcome to the New Lebanon

I talked yesterday about how Hawaiians were as close as we have ever been to moving forward with recognition as an indigenous group via the Akaka Bill. Unfortunately, the forces of evil Republicans have once again shown their true colors by blocking the debate in Congress.

Once again, Republicans have stolen what is rightfully ours.

Once again, Republicans have kept us from exercising our inalienable rights to self-determination.

Once again, Republicans have broken their word.

It is ironic that only two weeks ago, on July 4th, we commemorated the 229th anniversary of the signing of Declaration of Independence. Yet, these Republicans would deny us the very rights enshrined therein. I wonder if these Republicans realize they are only fueling the fires of those who have no trust nor faith in the US political process and having fueled these fires, do they understand the logical and predictable consequences?

Let it be on their heads.

Comments (1)


Had you expected any other thing?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 19, 2005 8:12 AM.

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