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You are Feeling Sleepy

Be wary of those who blame others for their own mistakes. Think carefully about what the spin doctors are saying when they blow smoke in your face and tell you there was no way to anticipate the horror that is New Orleans and if so, it was the all the Democrats fault, anyway. Remember this is the standard tactict of the Rove Republicans. Deny, then attack. When you see that, know that they are covering up for their own bungling and do not believe them.

A day of reckoning is long past due for these people. Perhaps that day has come (even as they spin as fast as they can saying now is not the time to find out why they didn't do their jobs...). The spin doctors are saying "Sleep. Yes, sleep. All is okay. We are the Republican government and all is fine. Don't ask pesky questions. Don't ask why we didn't do our jobs. Sleeeep."


Comments (2)

How convenient to have a Republican Gummint to blame for all the ills of the world!

1. It was not the Feddle Gummint who failed to mobilize the National Guard.

2. It was not the Feddle Gummint who refused the offer of National Guard from nearby states.

3. It was not the Feddle Gummint who refused the offers of EMR teams from nearby states because they were not licensed in New Orleans.

You might find Bill Whittle's essay on Tribes enlightening:




Isn't politics nice.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 6, 2005 8:14 AM.

The previous post in this blog was VJ Day - Sept. 2, 1945.

The next post in this blog is Sleepy Time.

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