As you may have noticed, the style of my site changed again. I had not planned on doing so and that wasn't my main reason for working on the site. The problem is I'm still getting intermittent 505 errors when I try to post or rebuild the site. This keeps you from reading what I'm trying to post. Obviously, this is a serious problem.
So, yesterday I decided to try reloading the MoveableType (MT) software that stores and organizes my posts. I deleted everything in the directory, donwloaded the most recent release, expanded, configured and uploaded all the files in analog mode (except for the image files, which I uploaded in binary mode). I set the permissions on the cgi files to 755 and...Still had 505 errors when rebuilding the category files. Sigh.
Since a 505 is a general error that doesn't tell you much of anything useful, I have no idea what the problem is. I may try setting up a test Apache server and running MT locally to see if I get the same errors. If I don't, I would tend to believe the problem is with, the host for my site. If that is the problem, I can either change software or change host. What I can't do is leave things as they are.