It what is described as the only one of its kind, the State
of Hawai'i honored its Iraq, Afghaniostan, and Kuwait war
dead with
unprecedented ceremony to award the Hawai'i Medal of Honor. The medal, approved by
the legislature last year, is given to those who have Hawai'i
ties (either Hawai'i born or who served in a military unit
based here) and made the ultimate sacrifice during times of
Yesterday, during a very rare joint session of the legislature, 120 medals were awarded to the families of those who died. From all over the US came the survivors of these heroes to be honored and to be reminded that even though their loved ones were gone, they were not forgotten.
We thank each of their families for the service of these fallen heroes:
+ Sgt. Eugene Williams + Staff Sgt. Cameron B. Sarno + Chief Warrant Officer Sharon Swartworth + Sgt. 1st Class Kelly Bolor + 2nd Lt. Jeremy Wolfe + Chief Warrant Officer Ian D. Manuel Pfc. Ernest H. Sutphin + Pfc. John D. Amos II + Staff Sgt. Oscar D. Medina + Spc. Ramon C. Ojeda + Spc. Philip L. Witkowski + Staff Sgt. Todd E. Nunes + Cpl. David M. Fraise Spc. Joseph F. Herndon II + Sgt. Daniel Lee Galvan + Spc. Joseph C. Thibodeaux III + Spc. Wesley R. Wells + Pfc. Joshua Kuile Paul Titcomb + Pfc. Jeungjin Nikky N. Kim Spc. Kyle K. Fernandez + Staff Sgt. Brian S. Hobbs + Chief Warrant Officer 3 William I. Brennan + Capt. Christopher B. Johnson + Lance Cpl. Richard P. Slocum + Cpl. Billy Gomez Lance Cpl. Jeremy D. Bow + Lance Cpl. John T. Byrd II + Sgt. Kelley L. Courtney + Lance Cpl. Travis A. Fox + Cpl. Christopher J. Lapka + Pfc. John Lukac + Lance Cpl. Andrew G. Riedel Lance Cpl. Michael P. Scarborough + Lance Cpl. Aaron C. Pickering + Petty Officer Julian Woods + Lance Cpl. David M. Branning + Lance Cpl. Brian A. Medina + Sgt. Rafael Peralta Pfc. Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia + Spc. Daniel James McConnell + Lance Cpl. Michael A. Downey + Cpl. Michael R. Cohen + Cpl. Jacob R. Fleischer + Cpl. Dale E. Fracker Jr. Chief Warrant Officer 2 Travis W. Grogan + Lt. Colonel Michael J. McMahon + Spc. Harley D.R. Miller + Lance Cpl. Blake A. Magaoay + Spc. Isaac E. Diaz + Spc. David P. Mahlenbrock Lance Cpl. Jeffrey S. Blanton + Lance Cpl. Franklin A. Sweger + 1st Lt. Nainoa K. Hoe + Staff Sgt. Brian D. Bland + Lance Cpl. Jonathan E. Etterling + Sgt. Michael W. Finke Jr. 1st Lt. Travis J. Fuller + Cpl. Timothy M. Gibson + Cpl. Richard A. Gilbert Jr. + Cpl. Kyle J. Grimes + Lance Cpl. Brian C. Hopper + Lance Cpl. Saeed Jafarkhani-Torshizi Jr. Cpl. Stephen P. Johnson + Cpl. Sean P. Kelly + Lance Cpl. Allan Klein + Cpl. Timothy A. Knight + Lance Cpl. Fred L. Maciel + Cpl. James L. Moore + Cpl. Nathaniel K. Moore Lance Cpl. Mourad Ragimov + Lance Cpl. Rhonald Dain Rairdan + Lance Cpl. Hector Ramos + Lance Cpl. Gael Saintvil + Lance Cpl. Darrell J. Schumann + Cpl. Nathan A. Shubert 1st Lt. Dustin M. Shumney + Cpl. Matthew R. Smith + Lance Cpl. Joseph B. Spence + Lance Cpl. Michael L. Starr Jr. + Petty Officer 3rd Class John D. House + Pfc. Stephen A. Castellano + Lance Cpl. Sean P. Maher + Spc. Glenn J. Watkins + Sgt. Maj. Barbaralien Banks + Master Sgt. Edwin A. Matos-Colon + Pfc. Kevin S.K. Wessel + Lance Cpl. Nicholas C. Kirven Cpl. Richard P. Schoener + Sgt. Arnold Duplantier II + Lance Cpl. Kevin B. Joyce + Senior Chief Information Systems Technician (SEAL) Daniel R. Healy Machinist's Mate 2nd Class (SEAL) Shane E. Patton + Quartermaster 2nd Class (SEAL) James Suh + Lt. Michael P. Murphy + Sonar Technician (Surface) 2nd Class (SEAL) Matthew G. Axelson Sgt. Deyson K. Cariaga + Staff Sgt. Frank F. Tiai + Spc. Ray Michael Fuhrmann II + Lance Cpl. Phillip C. George + Sgt. Alfredo B. Silva + Spc. Mike T. Sonoda Jr. Sgt 1st Class Daniel R. Scheile + Sgt. Paul C. Neubauer + Lance Cpl. Steven A. Valdez + Sgt. Jerry L. Bonifacio + Sgt. Evan S. Parker + Capt. Michael J. MacKinnon + Col. William W. Wood Capt. Raymond D. Hill II + Sgt. Shaker T. Guy + Sgt. Wilgene T. Lieto + Spc. Derence W. Jack + Sgt. Daniel A. Tsue + Sgt. Myla L. Maravillosa + Spc. Marcelino R. Corniel Chief Warrant Officer 2 Ruel M. Garcia + Pvt. Lewis T.D. Calapini + Lance Cpl. Billy D. Brixey Jr. + Petty Officer 3rd Class John T. Fralish + Pfc. Matthew L. Bertolino +