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Headline Hebephrenia

Perhaps this is just one of those mistakes we all make. But if not, the MorningPaper has another in a long line of misleading headlines. You know, where the headline says one thing, but if you read the article it says the exact opposite. This morning's example reads" "Quest legislation must be OK'd." This is the headline on the letters/opinion section.

Some background information. Quest is a public health system for the poor. The legislation referred to, backed by the Republican governor and her administration, would dis-enroll all Quest participants each year and require them to re-inroll. Presently, once enrolled, you don't need to re-inroll. Whether this is a good idea, in this case, is not the problem I'm pointing to.

In this case, the letter is from people who represent health clinics that serve these same poor. All of the people are unanimous in their strong opposition to the legislation. So, how does the headline above the letter accurately reflect the opinion expressed by the group? Well, it doesn't. But it, I would guess, does match the conservative, Republican supporting views of the newspaper.

If the headline is not a simple mistake, then why should I trust this newspaper to accurately report other stories?



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