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ID on the QT

In local news, over 40,000 public workers in Hawai'i have had their names, Social Security Numbers, birthdates, and other personal identity information stolen . The FBI revealed the theft when the information was found on a computer confiscated as part of a illegal drug investigation.

It seems the state Attorney General, as part of a separate investigation, requested the personal information from the public sector unions. The unions provided the information and the AG's office then had a private duplication firm transfer the data from hard copy to optical disk. It was during this transfer that authorities believe one or more unauthorized copies of the data was made. At least one of these copies ended up on the drug dealer's computer.

I am not sure whether I am one of the 40,000. But as a precaution, I have instituted a 90-day fraud alert on my credit report. Hopefully, if someone tries to apply for a credit card or loan, such an attempt will be flagged and denied.

But this incident seems to point out an apparent lack of concern regarding confidential, personal data, on the part of the state Attorney General. This incident seems to also indicate a lack of good judgment on the part of the AG and the person(s) involved should be held accountable. Unfortunately, since the AG is the one to do such investigations, he would appear to have a built in conflict of interest. Indeed, in statements from his office, it appears the AG is trying to distance himself from any responsibility to the incident and seems to be pointing elsewhere.

We will have to see how this plays out, but things are not looking good for Hawaii's Attorney General.

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!


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