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Local News

There be strange goings on in local news.

Placenta Bill. This bill, passed by the legislature and pending approval of the governor, allows the parents of a newborn to take the placenta from the hospital. According to some Hawaiian traditions, after birth, the placenta is buried in the ground and a tree is planted above it in the belief that there is a spiritual connection between the two.

Although certain Hawaiians still believe and practice such traditions, the current health rules prevent the release of the placenta as it is apparently considered to be medical waste and must be disposed of. However, due to pressure from groups who wish to practice these rites, our legislature passed a bill to allow this.

State Fish Bill. Having solved all of the other problems in our state, the legislature passed a bill to reinstate the humuhumu-nukunuku-a-pua'a (translated as "fish with a nose like a pig") as the official state fish. Other than the cute name, why anyone would want to have a fish with a nose like a pig to represent our state is beyond me.

Sen. Akaka Makes Time Magazine Bottom Five. Disclosure: I support his opponent in the coming election and am distantly related to his opponents family. Time magazine recently published a list of what they describe as "five senators who are falling short." At the top of that list is the junior senator from Hawai'i, Daniel Akaka. The Time article goes on to say Senator Akaka is "master of the minor resolution and the bill that dies in committee." I will say no more.

Still Closed. Although the floods have gone and the sun is shining, several areas are still closed to swimming or fishing due to contamination from sewage spills. For a state who's main product is the environment, this may accurately be described as a disaster.



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