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Rebuild It and They Will Come

Xandros Deluxe 3.01, the primary distribution that I use at work blew up yesterday. It may be related to some security updates I had installed from Debian or it may be something else. But whatever caused the system to crash, things are not going well.

Among other things, the Xandros File Manager (a proprietary port of the KDE file manager), is gone. Hence, moving around via the GUI is impossible. Access to many other programs have also been made impossible, including Lotus Notes.

I'm still undecided what to do. I seem to have several choices: 1) I can try to rebuild things but that will probably be very difficult, or 2) I can reformat and re-install (not likely with Xandros 4 supposedly coming out Real Soon Now so why install twice), or 3) I can install another version of Linux, or 4) I can boot into Windows and use that until I decide what to do.

By the way, yes, I still have access to my data and even if I didn't, I have a current backup (which, I'm sure, you also do. Right?).


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 12, 2006 5:33 AM.

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