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Unwise Choices: The Coming War with Iran

Insert disclaimer here. WARNING: Political discussion follows. These are my own views.

When it comes to future events, I believe nothing is set in stone. We make our own destiny through the choices we make.

Paradoxically, I also believe that decisions made now can have effects felt well into the future. Having made these decisions, our future options may be altered or reduced. If that happens, possible positive outcomes can likewise be altered or reduced.

According to this article in the New Yorker, President Bush and his administration seem to have made a decision that may channel our nation into a path with very negative consequences. Namely, a war with Iran.

According to the article, President Bush says there needs to be a regime change in Iran. But unlike Iraq, the way to do this is through the use of air power. That is, a prolonged campaign of bombs and missiles. In other words, the so called surgical, remote controlled war. The war where everything is neat, clean, cheap, and quick. A campaign where the Iranian people rise up and joyously overthrow their hated over lords (stop me when this sounds vaguely familiar).

As the article clearly lays out, the lesson, to everyone except, apparently, President Bush and his administration, is that if you are a dictator and wish to continue to rule, you must obtain nuclear weapons. Now. Reach that goal, and the US will back down and leave you alone. Conversely, for President Bush, the lesson is - attack before your enemy can get the bomb.

Hence, we have two goals that cannot simultaneously exist. Yet, by choosing these goals, the inevitable path to war is taken.

Even now, if the article is correct, small US military units have invaded Iran. Even now, the President and his administration is preparing the campaign to, once again, fool Congress and the American people with flimsy, made up "proof". Even now, people who should know better and actively oppose this effort are strangely silent.

But as I said in this post in January of last year, we don't have to be fooled again. A policy of containment can work. We can avoid the coming war. We have the choice.

But if we choose unwisely, I believe that the positive paths into the future are substantially reduced, leaving us only with negative ones.

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!


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