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Living Up to the Title

In what is being self-described as the Ritz Carlton of naturist resorts, comes Florida's Caliente Resort and Spa. The Yahoo News article says now you too can spend $300 USD per night and cavort in the pool with no clothes on. Your money also gets you access to the 120-acre nudist facility, located freeway close to attractions like Disney and Busch Gardens.

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Technology Review is reporting on a story in which carbon nanotube membranes are being used to desalinate water. The commercial use of this technology is still five to ten years away (aren't they always? - ed.) but is being touted as possibly reducing the cost of desalinization by as much of 75 percent (no word on what that cost is).

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The folks over at InfoWorld have a short article on what people hate about some commercial websites. The article lists, among other things, Flash animations, invasive advertising, and difficulty in navigation. The article points to the fact that people can and will switch to sites that meet their needs and don't treat them like sheep to be herded to the slaughter. In other words, all else being equal, those that treat their customers with respect, prosper more than those that don't.

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On a more serious note. No, I'm not going to say much about the US Supreme Court's allowing police to enter people's homes without first knocking and identifying themselves. Yes, this will result in the police breaking down doors while you are sleeping without any notice. Yes, this moves the balance point away from the people's right to be secure in their homes to centralized police powers. Yes, the 5-4 vote shows the effect of adding conservative judges who feel it is a GoodThing to give more power to the police so that everyone can have a little bit more safety (or, at least, feel they are more safe, even as safety is not positively affected by this change).

But the bottom line is, if the people don't want this, they can petition Congress to change the laws. But whatever they do, they shouldn't blame the court, as I am not, because the court is just doing what it  was intended to do by the politicians who nominated and confirmed the justices who handed down this decision.

 Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 16, 2006 5:48 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Genuine Disadvantage.

The next post in this blog is Move Along Monday.

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