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Celebrity Cruises Kamehameha Cross-Current

In order to communicate, we need to understand what is being said. If we don't understand,  confusion and chaos can result. One way of understanding is sometimes referred to as cultural sensitivity. That is, understanding the world view of others helps us to communicate. That said, we need to keep in mind that understanding these differences is not the same as saying all these views are necessarily equal nor appropriate.

Recently, Celebrity Cruises ran what appears to be an image of the King Kamehameha statute. The part that changed is the out-stretched hand which is now holding a champaign glass (photo on the right).

King Kamehameha statue.Commercial ad.

Some Hawaiian groups are shocked and outraged that the statue of the Hawaiian king would be used for commercial purposes. One person asks how would most US citizens feel if the Lincoln memorial where photo-shopped to include an image of a beer in the hand of the president as a way of advertising a product. Would this be considered appropriate?

Upon hearing of the uproar, the cruise line pulled the ad and apologized. However, some apparently wish for a more tangible punishment and may file a law suit.

May I gently suggest that the courts may not be the appropriate place for understanding, communication, or healing to occur. There are Hawaiian alternative dispute resolution avenues that can be explored. The Hawaiian groups and the cruise line could use these paths to discuss ways to make this right. Maybe the cruise line could make a donation to an appropriate local cultural organization. Maybe something else. But going to court to find a punishment, in my opinion, may not fit the crime and seems to be, in this case, culturally insensitive. YMMV. Insert disclaimer here.


Comments (1)


I may be stepping on toes here but I don't see a crime here.
I mean how is this different from other advertisments and cartoon jobs and jabs. How can we get iritated at muslims protesting about cartoons when we take our own culture so damned uncritically serious.

I'll never understand people.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 3, 2006 5:37 AM.

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