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Can You Hear Me Now?

I had planned on doing a get out the vote post yesterday. You know, the one about how each vote counts so do your civic duty and vote (early, and often...). But actually, if you want to influence legislation, that's usually not the most effective way of doing it.

The best way is to get to know and financially support your representatives. Once you have started a conversation with him or her, you can then try to persuade your representative to come around to your way of thinking. Access doesn't mean you will always get your way, but it helps.

That said, conversations are two way streets. That is, it takes two to converse. Yet, President Bush and many fellow traveling Republicans made it easy on voters yesterday by not listening to them.

In no way did I anticipate the Republicans imploding so quickly. But, I guess, I underestimated the hubris of the certain Republicans who ruled, rather than led our country. I underestimated the Imperial Presidency and his compliant, fellow Republican controlled Congress. In turn, the Republicans underestimated the voters.

As it became clear to the majority of US citizens, (which, apparently, does not include the President and these Republicans) that the war in Iraq was not going as planned and that a new strategy was required, the President refused to deal with reality and refused to listen to the people.

These Republicans, having refused to listen, left the voters with only one choice: vote for a change.

Looking forward, I have four words for Democrats: "Don't screw it up." The voters have given you an opportunity to listen to them. If you do, many good things are possible. If you don't, you will be turned out of office just as surely as the Republicans were.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 8, 2006 5:30 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Lost Harbor.

The next post in this blog is Kubuntu/Ubuntu Firefox 2.0 Flash Bug May Be Causing Crashes.

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