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Governor Fires Transportation Director

As our Republican governor gets ready to start her second and last term, she announced yesterday some changes in her administration. The big shocker, at least to me, was her firing of the head of the Hawaii Transportation Department, Rod Haraga.

Obviously, being a Democrat, I don't necessarily hold in high regard some of her appointments. In my opinion, there are those in her administration that are not qualified to fill the posts they are in. But I don't include Mr. Haraga among those.

As far as I could see, he was doing a good job in a very difficult position. But perhaps, that was his problem. I'm speculating here but I wonder if he didn't commit the most heinous of all political crimes. He appeared to me smarter, more in control, and a better leader than his boss, the Governor. I can't think of any other situation that is so hated by politicians. As an appointed official, you must never take credit for what you do. Rather, you must always say you are doing what the Governor wants and to refer all reporters to the Governor's office.

Mr. Haraga didn't do that. When the bridges came tumbling down, it was Mr. Haraga that was in front directing operations. When the hills came sliding over the freeway, it was Mr. Haraga assuring the public that he had things under control (which he did) and that everything would be alright (which it was). When the droppings hit the fan, it was Mr. Haraga who cleaned things up.

He appeared to be one of those very rare individuals in government that actually was highly qualified to do the job. Haraga is a civil and structural engineer with 32-years of experience in Los Angeles. His undergraduate degree is from Purdue University and has two advanced degrees -a Masters in Business Administration from the University of California at Los Angeles and a masters in Public Administration from California State University. He is also a graduate of Honolulu's St. Louis High School.

But with all that experience and education, he may have forgotten that it's about his boss, not the people he served. It's about making his boss look good, not doing the people's work. And in the Lingle administration, it is better to look good, than to be good.

As I said at the top, I'm just speculating here so I could be completely wrong. But you have to wonder.

So long to Mr. Haraga. Thank you for a job well done. Best wishes in your future endeavors.



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