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No, But It is the Law

Even though the courts are sometimes considered to be part of something called the justice system, I've long felt that courts interpret the law but legislatures define what justice is by creating laws. I know extremist on the left and right, each for their own reasons, may disagree.

But I believe the proper role of the courts does not, except in truly extraordinary circumstances, include legislating from the bench. Hence, I feel the actions of the courts in following the law and sentencing a drug dealer to 55 years in prison was correct. It is the law and the courts followed it.

The courts could have intervened if the law was found to be unconstitutional. However, it was not. Yes, deciding what is or is not constitutional may be a gray area and could change over time. But the courts must respect the law or, as I've posted before, the rule of law is lost.

So, the proper course of action for those who wish to change this is to petition their legislature. If, the legislators fail to act, then vote in different people who will. This, I believe, is how it is supposed to work.

"This is a court of law, young man, not a court of justice."
    Supreme Court Justice

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 8, 2006 5:47 AM.

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The next post in this blog is STS116: Discovery Launch.

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