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Opera 7.01 Update

I did some additional digging on the bookmarks problem I noted in yesterday's post. From what I can read in the the Opera support forum this is literally a feature and not a bug. According to one post, Opera decided that you didn't need to have more than 50 links displayed at one time.

Since they know best, they arbitrarily and capriciously changed it for 7.x so that you shall delete or move links into folders. Sigh.

Competition is good. There are alternatives to Opera. I will avail myself of those alternatives.


The 50 links limit is not that bad. I mean more than 50 links is not practial.
The attitude of limiting is of course wrong. Complete counter opera-tive.

Well, practical or not I had more than 50 and was able to find what I needed
just fine. But to arbitrarily tell people how to organize your bookmarks is
just so uncharacteristic of Opera I have to wonder if they are feeling the
economic pinch like everyone else.

Aloha - Dan