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Fat Tuesday

Just an update on a couple of things I'm working on. My experiments with anti-spam software is at a standstill. It seems all of the *nix programs generally available assume you have root access to the server. For me, this is not true. So I'm kind of at a standstill while I try to figure out a way of installing these things. In the meantime, my web host, pair.com, is testing SpamAssassin so all is not lost. MWIKM (more when I know more).

I also have a review copy of CrossOver Office (see it here). They claim the ability to run MS Office under Linux. I don't particularly care if it does or not. What I want to test is whether Lotus Notes does. This is the mail system we use and so far, the only thing I don't have a Linux-based substitute for.

The first of three days of tests starts this afternoon. As noted earlier, it's called an MIBG scan. I started taking an oral solution of potassium iodide yesterday. The potassium is to prevent the accumulation of the radioisotope they will inject today from accumulating in my thyroid. This is so I won't get thyroid cancer from the radiation. Sigh. MWIKM.
