Creating the New Imperial Presidency
The events of September 11th have been and are continuing to be used as cover. Certain individuals not only want to roll back the post-Watergate reforms, forced through by Congress over a Presidential veto, but these same individuals also want to create centralized dictatorial powers greater than even President Nixon could have dreamed of.
It is frightening to freedom loving patriotic Americans to see the imperial powers this current president has amassed. The U.S. Constitution lays in shreds on the floor. The Republican U.S. Supreme Court has revealed itself to be a willing supporter of the process. The Republican controlled U.S Congress sprints away from its responsibility to be a check and balance against imperial usurpation of power. People convicted of high crimes, during the Watergate scandal, now run the government.
Is it any wonder our country has become an imperium? How long is it before we shall reap the bitter fruit of this choice?
See the story here.
Yep, history swings between democracy and imperium, and it goes a bit furter on each swing. And it takes longer to it's equilibrium again.
Untill empire is established in full.
Untill that final empire collapses under it's own dead weight again.
Posted by: sjon | April 7, 2003 04:09 AM