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Strange Reaction

Most people have seen pictures of nuclear reactors. At least, fission ones. The picture below is from Sandia Labs and is of one of a fusion reactor, or I should say one that could one day lead to a controlled fusion reactor.

To tell you the truth, just looking at a regular reactor gives me the heebeejeebies. But to see a fusion one, makes me think of Dr. Frankenstein's lab. At one time it is strangely beautiful and a fearsome sight. I wonder if we really understand the possible effects of the technology we are so diligently trying to produce?

Read the complete story here. Thanks to JWZ for the link.

Fusion reactor

Click on the photo above to see an 800 X 530 version or follow the link to the story where they have a 1.8MB 2,400 X 1,595 version.
