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MT Update

Sorry for the slightly late posting this morning. I wanted to install the latest update to MoveableType before posting. Thanks to fellow Daynoter Phil Hough for the heads up. This also reminded me to resubscribe to the MT listserv. I'm not sure why I stopped getting their notices but this was as good an opportunity as any to get back on the list.

Speaking of updates, Opera is in version 7.11 if you haven't downloaded it yet. I tend to use Firebird (notwithstanding some of the misguided people who don't get out much) more often then not now-a-days but Opera is good to use if I think I might need the heavy armor to back me up.

Speaking of armor, there was a popular pro-war email that made the rounds that purported to be between pro and anti-war supporters and how the reason(s) for the war kept changing (I did a Goole search to try to find it but was not successful). Well, now comes the other side. See the "What a tangled web we weave" here. I've said it before, Gulf War II had two public objectives: Kill Sadam Hussein and recover the weapons of mass destruction. So far, it is not clear that either have been achieved.

Have a Great Weekend Everyone - Aloha!