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Thursday Taikonaut

Firebird Rises. As noted in Tuesday's post, the Mozilla Firebird browser 0.7 was released to the masses (get it here). Note that they've instituted a reverse lookup to the domain you are coming from (for security purposes, wouldn't want just anyone using Firebird). For most people, this will not be a problem. However, it is a problem here because our idiot poor, overworked IT staff doesn't know how to setup domains/DNS correctly. So I ended up using PuTTY (get it here) to securely login into Pair (my web host), then used the text-based Lynx browser (get it here) to pull down the file. I then used WS_FTP LE (get it here) to get the file from Pair to my PC. A little complicated but there you go.

Wink, Wink. If you are in PC application support, you probably could use something that demos mouse movements or allows you to show screen shots with custom callouts or balloons. IF so, check out Wink (see it here). You can output to Flash SWF, EXE, PDP, or HTML. The best is it's freeware.

The Need for Speed II. So you think you have a fast Internet connection eh? Well, try transferring a CD with 60 minutes of music in one second. The Swiss CERN has a link to CalTech that runs at 5.44 gigabits per second. That's gigabits folks. Per second. See the story here.
