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Thursday Topping

The Great Shower Renovation is now over. After more than a month of having to use the shower in our front house, I am happy to say we can now use our own shower. The tile guy came back to re-grout the areas that were cracking this past weekend. We then had to wait 72-hours for it to dry before sealing it. A few hours after than and our new shower was ready.

It is so nice to be back to normal again (remember, there's no place like Of course, we will need to do the same thing to our downstairs shower but I think we will wait until after the holidays for that.

Speaking of holidays, you have 56 days until Christmas. Breaking with tradition, I've already sent my first Christmas present to the mainland so I'm pretty much set. ;=}

Lastly, sorry for the late posting yesterday. I actually had it ready but did not have the time to publish it as I was working on finishing up the cleaning of our front house so we can get it rented out. If you haven't read it yet, give it a look.
