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Core Dump

I believe it was sharp shooter and fellow Daynoter Dave Markowitz who mentioned a secure FTP program called CoreFTP. If memory serves me, he mentioned it in relation to a problem he was having with another program called WS_FTP (now in release 8) being too fast for what he was doing.

While most people say you can never be too rich, too thin, or have an application run too fast, I guess there are times when this is so. In any case, CoreFTP recently updated their offering to version 1.3, fixing several problems and adding features, so you may want to check it out (especially as it is free and offers secure connections).

On the other hand, if you need a fast transfer program, you may want to check out WS_FTP instead. For you students or faculty members out there, Ipswitch makes a "lite" version that is free for personal use. If you qualify, you can download the free version here.


Another choice for use as a free FTP program is FileZilla; http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/

Works like a charm and the price is righr!