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Good Guys 1: Phone Spammers 0

I'm calling this a win for the good guys because, I think, it points out the fact that commercial "speech" can be regulated. As a sidebar, it's amazing to me how people can spin unwanted commercials into something called "speech". Corporations don't speak, buildings don't speak, people do.

In any case, I am extremely happy that the US Supreme Court has let stand a lower court ruling that the "Do Not Call" list does not run afoul of the US Constitution.



You have freedom of speech and freedom of -not- listening.

On one point I agree with the spammers though.
It actually is unfairly that it doesn't not apply to political (and charitable) solicitations. Those just try to sell something different.

Phone-spamming is almost non-existent around here. At least outside office hours. I do get an average of four or five of these calls a year.