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It's About Time

What if you had your own atomic clock? How big would it be and what would you do with it? According to this article here, atomic clocks the size of a grain of rice are coming, if not in your cell phone tower or GPS already.

The clocks are still in development but are accurate to within one second every 300 HUNDRED YEARS. If they can be made reliable enough and cheaply enough you could find one in your alarm clock in a couple of years. Or not. Depending on if you want to sleep in another 15.00000000000000000001 minutes.



What is wrong with using a sundial? Or plain biorhythm?
Much better to get people up in time would be the removal of the snooze button on alarms ^_^

If they keep miniaturising like that you get an hourglass where every grain in it is an atomic clock ...