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Lightsabers: An Elegant Kitchen Appliance

What with the last of the Star Wars(tm) movies set to debut in a couple of weeks, you didn't think I would let that pass without some kind of mention.

Well, the folks over at HowStuffWorks have created a series on how the lightsaber works and some common household uses for one. You can read the article here.

Lightsaber cutting slicing a bagel.
It slices your morning bagel...

Lightsaber warming up a cup of coffee.
...and warms your coffee.

Lightsaber trimming a hedge.
It also trims your hedges.

So versatile. So now.


It cuts you bagel all-right but how are you going to explain the cut op table and that mug-with-a-hole-trough-the-bottom?
And your neighbour is not going to be happy when he discoves you trimmed tha hedge ... and the concrete wall behind it ... ^_^

The Force must a Jedi learn to control, young Sjonwalker . . .