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Revenge of the Republicans

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to suffering and the end of the Republic. Even as these words are being written, the Imperial Senate is debating the right of the majority to bring tyranny to all and to end over 200 years of freedom.

The majority Republicans, full of hate towards the Judiciary (insert disclaimer here), is trying to pack the courts with faith-based judges. In this case, faith-based is a code phrase for Jesus Christ centered judges.

Although I am a Christian, I do not want judges to reflect only one religion nor do I want them to make decisions based solely on their Christian faith. Either we are a country of laws or we are a country of priests.

One would have thought that we would have learned one of the great lessons of history: priests should minister to their fellow believers, not try to run countries. But I guess not.

I don't know if history will record a single event that will mark the end of the Republic of these United States, but this well could be it.
