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Focus On This

Some utilities try to do everything. Others do only one thing. All try to solve problems that have bothered someone enough that they wrote a solution for it.

For example, I don't know how many times I've moved the mouse pointer over a window and tried to scroll the page, only to realize I had not yet clicked on the window first to shift focus to it.

Comes now a free Windows utility called KatMouse that allows you to use your scroll wheel mouse where ever your pointer is. Even if you haven't first clicked on that window. While, I think, there are other utilities that mimic a Unix-like behavior of keeping the focus based on where the mouse pointer is, this utility adds other options -- such as being able to scroll sideways.

Be forewarned that this utility has been around for awhile and apparently hasn't been updated recently (and has some bugs). But if you think this could solve a problem you may not have realized you even had, feel free to download it.


A bother for some is a bonus for others.
I -sometimes- like the fact that you can scroll a window while your mouse is not actually over it. A huge bonus when debugging or analysing problems.
(When I am not handling problems though ... )