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Iambic, Therefore I Are

I'm back at work now and I guess, staying up late and getting up early for all the Christmas festivities must have lowered my resistance. By Monday night, I was aching in all my joints, coughing, and had a sore throat. I tried going to sleep at 8:30pm (20:30) but awoke every hour or two until my usual wake up time of 4:45am.

Staying at work on Tuesday was really difficult because the A/C was turned down so much my nose (and other appendages) was turning blue. But since I needed to be at work for a scheduled conference call I came in and stayed the day. I didn't make it in after that but have recovered enough to drag myself in for the last day of the work year. But enough whining. As a poet once said, it could be verse.


As the same poet later mentioned you can re-verse you tiredness by adding sleep.