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Man Bites MPAA

The Ars Technica site has a story that says the MPAA admits it creates copies of copyrighted materials and is justified in doing so. In fact, the MPAA made the copies even though the copyright holder specifically prohibited the MPAA from making such copies.

Taking a cue from the Bush Administration, the MPAA says it's justified in making the possibly illegal copies because, well, they say they can. They go on to say they are justified in making the copies because the subject matter includes some of their staff.

To the few people who have been living under a rock for the last few years, the MPAA has sued to enforce copyrighted movies. Essentially, the MPAA feels all movie customers are pirates and therefore they are justified in whatever action they may choose. Apparently, including breaking the very laws they have used to sue others.

Needless to say, such two-faced behavior by bully associations like the MPAA is not surprising. But I wouldn't be surprised if the copyright holder of the movie in question sues the MPAA.


And guess who is going to win such lawsuit?