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Apple 1GB nano iPod Announced

In other news, Apple announced the availability of a 1GB nano iPod . The new iPod is listed as being able to hold about 240 songs while costing only $149USD ($50 less than the $199 nano 2GB model).

But, there are downsides to getting an iPod. Two-hundred and forty songs are less than what I have in my collection but, realistically, I don't need to have access to every song all the time and can always swap things in and out. That said, it's not convenient to do so.

Secondly, there isn't an iTunes client for Linux and iPods only work with iTunes. So, I would have to use my laptop, which still runs Windows XP, to run iTunes. Again, this is not very convenient.

Lastly, there's the problems with a non user-replaceable battery and all the scratches to the case and screen that people have been reporting.

Still, it is very cool. This weekend, if the local Apple store has one in black, I think I'll get one. Or not. We'll see.
