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AVG Anti-Virus Now Available for Linux

For Windows, I've been using AVG anti-virus software for some time. Although I've never had a problem (that I know of) that AVG didn't stop, I know of several people who have been hit with viruses despite using AVG. To be fair, I don't think they had updated their signature files since AVG was installed on their PCs so maybe that's why they were infected. Or not. I don't know.

But for the Xandros Linux 3.01 Deluxe that I'm now using, the standard seemed to be F-Prot. But, as far as I know, F-Prot is a command line utility scanner. That is, it's not always running to check for on access problems so it can't protect against infections, only identify one once you're already infected. If I'm mistaken on this, please let me know how to configure it to do otherwise.

But I recently found it that AVG is available in RPM and tar.gz formats for i386 Linux systems. I haven't installed it yet and I don't know if this is also a command line utility but, at least, there's another option for Linux. More when I know more.


Comming to the Mac soon I suppose.