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Novell Survey: Most Wanted Apps Not Yet on Linux

In order for Linux to finally break through and become an alternative to Windows, it needs to meet the needs of the average desktop user. That is, you have to include a GUI that is easy to use and applications designed to run under that GUI.

Within that user space, Linux needs the types of applications that many people have become used to and dependent on. The basics include Web access, word processing, multimedia (video/audio), and infrastructure tools such as drivers for printers, scanners, keyboards, mice, etc.

In order to find out which applications people are currently interested in seeing run on Linux, the folks over at Novell are hosting a survey . The list currently shows the following:

Top 10 Applications (last 31 days)
Rank Application
1. Photoshop
2. Autocad
3. Dreamweaver
4. iTunes
5. Macromedia Studio
6. Flash
7. Quicken
8. Visio
9. Quickbooks
10. Lotus Notes

Of the 10, I could use Photoshop, iTunes, and Lotus Notes. Personally, I could really use something like Paint Shop Pro rather something more complicated like Photoshop. But either would do. Yes, there is Gimp. But no, it is not as easy to use nor, in the case of Photoshop, as powerful.

For iTunes users, there are efforts to get something working, but it seems like that every time they get close, Apple releases a new version that breaks all the work done to that point. One might get the feeling that Apple was doing this on purpose.

For Lotus Notes, yes, you can sort of run it using CrossOver Office. But it's not very stable and not all the features work. Although it is better than nothing, I can't wait for Lotus to release a real Linux client (Real Soon Now).

A Linux desktop that meets the current needs of Windows users is not there yet and this survey shows some of the gaps that still exist. Maybe some day, but not yet.

Oh, before someone asks, yes, I'm using a distribution called Xandros Deluxe 3.01 on a full-time basis. Although this may be close to as good as it gets, in my opinion, as good as it gets isn't (yet) good enough.
